
DEM (Modeli Digjital i Lartësive) është prodhuar për tërë territorin e Republikës së Kosovës. Në fotot e mëposhtme ilustrohet krahasimi i DSM dhe DEM i një pjese të bllokut urban si dhe harta në të cilën paraqitet komplet DEM. Dendësia e pikave të të dhënave DEM sipas kategorive është: në blloqet urbane 8 cm, në blloqet rurale 20 cm dhe në blloqet malore 25 cm. DEM është prodhuar në formatet: “laz”, “xyz’ dhe Geotiff.

Agjencia Kadastrale e Kosovës ka krijuar edhe modelin 3D dhe vektorizimit të objekteve për qytetin e Ferizajt dhe një pjese të Prizrenit. Në ilustrimet e mëposhtme shihet vektor harta e një pjese të bllokut urban të Ferizajt, ku janë të paraqitura të gjitha objektet sipas veçorive në pozitë (xy) dhe lartësi (h). Vektor harta përmban në 3D (X, Y, Z) të gjitha veçoritë si: ndërtesat, ballkonet, shtyllat, trotuaret, vegjetacionin, pusetat etj. Gjithashtu për sipërfaqet e njëjta është krijuar edhe modeli 3D i ndërtesave të ilustruara në figurën e mëposhtme. Të dhënat vektor dhe 3D mund të përdoren me anë të aplikacioneve të ndryshme, si në fotot e më poshtme Global_Mapper si dhe Atlas_CitiGenius.

This non-harmonization, besides the reason for the lack of regular maintenance of the cadastre by Municipal Cadastral Offices and the failure to submit requests for change by the citizens, is also a consequence of the theft of documentation from Serbian regime during the war in Kosovo. Reconstruction of Cadastral Information means the creation of cadastral units and the reconstruction of property rights for cadastral units and their registration in the IPRR-KCLIS. The project is implemented according to Law no. 04 / L-013 on Cadastre, AI No. 02 / 2012 on Reconstruction of Cadastre and the Register of Immovable Property Rights, AI No. 03/ 2012 on the Work of the Committee for Reconstruction of Cadastral Informations and the Immovable Property Rights Register, AI No. 04/2012 on Public Awareness Campaign during Cadastre Reconstruction, as well as other applicable acts. Kosovo Cadastral Agency in cooperation with the Municipal Cadastral Offices has selected the Cadastral Zones to be reconstructed, while the standards for selection are regulated with Administrative Instruction as well. The primary purpose of the project is to harmonize the factual state of property in the field with that in the Kosovo Cadastral and Land Information System and to raise collective awareness on the importance of registering property on behalf of the actual owner. This goal is achieved through objectives such as measuring the factual situation of the property in the field and making it official, transferring ownership through donation or sale, the process of splitting, merging or identifying parcels in the field, etc.

In the enterprise was the contract between the user of the apartment and the owner with the details of the apartment and the tax set for the maintenance of the apartment / flat. Prior to the registration of the apartment / flat or building unit, evidence was requested on its privatization, which also meant bringing a court certificate. All buildings with their units built before 1999 are registered in the cadastre, because they are considered complete with the necessary legalization documentation. Buildings built after 1999 have undergone all legalization processes before being registered in the cadastre. The Building Construction Cadastre (CC) is regulated by Article 29 of the Law on Cadastre (LAW No. 04 / -L-013), and clarified in the Administrative Instruction 02/2013 on the implementation of the Law on Cadastre and the Law on the Establishment of the Immovable Propertz Rights Register (Law on IPRR). The process of registration of buildings and parts of buildings means "Creation of the Building Cadastre". This process is being completed once as a whole, while the update is done according to the requests of the citizens through the MCO. The register of buildings and apartments has continued within the KCA with funding from the Government of Kosovo, or with donations from the World Bank.

The activities carried out so far are: preparation of the legal basis (Law on Address System, five Administrative Instructions and Address Manual); organization of capacity building trainings at the municipal and central level; collection and digitization of entrance data of facilities in the field (about 460,000); creation of ARIS application for address maintenance; naming of roads in 33 municipalities; signage with street name signs in 31 municipalities; signage with tables of entry numbers in 12 municipalities; distribution of address data to 16 local and international institutions such as TomTom and OpenStreetMap; etc.

The overall objective of this project is to improve the services of the Municipal Cadastral Offices provided to stakeholders in relation to information on a particular property, by digitizing various cases as well as accessing and locating them at the fastest possible time. In 2019 Kosovo Cadastral Agency has signed a two year contract for scanning and indexing of archive documents for the municipalities of Ferizaj, Kacanik, Junik, Kamenica, Shtime, Klina, Rahovec, Ranillug, Klokot, Viti, Gjakova, Deçan, Dragash, Mamushë, Novobërdë , Partesh, Shërtrpce while on waiting list are Municipality of Prishtina, Podujeva and the Kosovo Cadastral Agency. After signing the contract, Economic Operator continued with the installation of equipment in the respective MCO's and have made upgrades in the application "Massive Scanning". The MCO's were obliged to meet the requirements for the scanning process respectively to provide sufficient work space, work desk, chairs, internet access, and a municipal official to assist in finding cases.



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St. "Arbnor and Astrit Dehari" No. 25

Archive Building / Floor II

10000, Pristina

The Republic of Kosovo

Phone: 038 512 353



For contact information of the offices of the MCO, click here